Frere Exhibition for Indian Studies 2024

Deadline Extended

The deadline for the Frere Exhibition has been extended to Monday, 17 June 2024. 


Entries are invited for the Frere Exhibition for Indian Studies. The Exhibition will be awarded by the Board of Management from the trust set up for this purpose.

The Exhibition

The Exhibition is awarded to enable its holder to undertake a specified piece of work, approved by the Board, in the field of Indian studies. It will be offered in Trinity (summer) Term, for one year, and to a value of £5,000, subject to consideration of the financial resources already available to the successful candidate. The Board of management may, exceptionally, extend the award at the end of the year. It may also award grants to candidates for the Exhibition, to encourage the study of matters relating to India.

The work must be carried out in Oxford unless the Board gives dispensation otherwise in the interests of the work. Candidates should specify in the application where they would wish to pursue their work.


The Frere Exhibition is open to Members of the University who, on the day of election, have not exceeded twenty one terms from their matriculation. In recent years successful candidates have been well advanced in their research.

How to apply

Closing date: Monday 17 June 2024 

Applications must comprise:

  • A completed application form – access form here
  • A statement of no more than two pages in length, describing the work proposed;
  • An example of the candidate’s written work on a matter relating to India, of not more than 5,000 words in length.

Candidates should also ask three referees, one of whom would normally be the candidate’s supervisor, to provide in confidence a letter commenting on the candidate’s academic progress, the value of the intended project, and the reasons for requesting this funding. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that these references are requested and sent to the address below by the closing date.

Applications and references should be sent to 

If you have any questions about the Exhibition, please contact Professor Jim Mallinson, Chair of the Board of Management for the Frere Exhibition, on