Equality and Diversity

Our Faculty understands itself as highly inclusive and welcomes diversity. Together with the University, it tries to offer support at all levels, from outreach to careers advice to welfare and disability services. To read more, please see:

Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Statement of Values

Equality and Diversity Case Studies


Key Contacts

Staff and students in need of advice or guidance are welcome to contact:

Harassment Officers:

Laurence Mann 

Leyla Najafzada

Claire MacLeod

Equality and Diversity Officer:

Dominic Brookshaw

Disability Contact:

Thomas Hall and Edmund Howard

Early Career Researcher Champion:

Jacob Dahl

Early Career Researcher Contact:

Johan Lundberg

Director of Outreach:

Bo Hu

Undergraduate Student Reps:

Nadia Roeske

William Powell

Graduate Student Reps:

Peter Arvo

Ziyang Fang

Maria Finch 

Graduate student representatives can be contacted on gradrep@ames.ox.ac.uk.


Subject Group Equality and Diversity Representatives

As noted in its statement of values, the Faculty is committed to celebrating the diversity of the language and cultures that are the heart of its work, even though many European academic disciplines originated in periods of colonialist oppression.  

If anyone has any questions or concerns about aspects of equality and diversity in the academic curriculum, they are encouraged to discuss these directly with their teachers, or to pass their thoughts to the relevant subject group EDI representative and the EDI officer. We can then pass these to the relevant subject group so that they can be addressed there (this can be done anonymously and in confidence if that is preferred).

Please feel free to contact:

Equality and Diversity Officer: Dominic Brookshaw

Arabic, Persian, and Turkish:

Walter Armbrust

Chinese Studies:

Verna Yu

Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies:

Elizabeth Frood

Hebrew, Jewish, and Eastern Christianity:

Zoe Waxman

Inner and South Asia (India and Tibet):

Christopher Fleming

Japanese and Korean:

Jieun Kiaer

Student Representatives (Undergraduate):

Malak Bieeu, Tasneem Edoo

Student Representatives (Graduate):

Yui Chang, Sumeyye Kocaman, Ya’el Nu’emah-Kremer

University Services 

Information about the different services and support the University provides can found below:

The Oxford University Equality and Diversity Unit has a wide range of information available on their webpages.

There is advice and guidance for staff and students on LGBTQ+ issues here, and a list of Stonewall LGBTQ+ Role Models, one of which is an academic member of staff based in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, can be found here.

The Disability Advisory Service provides information, advice and support on disability issues. For access guides to the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies buildings, please see the University Access Guide. This map also includes details on Examination Schools and many colleges.

Student Welfare and Support Services works collaboratively on student health and welfare issues with colleagues in colleges, academic and administrative departments, the Oxford University Student Union, and key statutory services and other partners outside of the University.

Oxford University Black History Month Events