Topics in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology: Trinity Term 2022

The following seminars will be presented in person and online in Trinity Term. Please note the seminar locations (where applicable) and Microsoft Teams links below. The seminars are open to anyone in the University. For any questions or concerns please contact and


Tuesday 3 May (2nd Week), 2.30pm
Maren Schentuleit, University of Oxford
Egyptian cross-gender names in Graeco-Roman Dime and beyond
Location: Lecture Room 1, Oriental Institute
Link: <click here>


Tuesday 10 May (3rd Week), 2.30pm
Thais Rocha de Silva, University of São Paulo
Title TBC
Online only
Link: <click here>


Tuesday 17 May (4th Week), 2.30pm
Josef Wegner, University of Pennsylvania
Recent Archaeological Research and Discoveries at South Abydos
Online only
Link: <click here>


Tuesday 31 May (6th Week), 2.30pm
Madhavi Nevader, University of St Andrews
What is a God and what does it mean to believe in Her/Him?
Location: Lecture Room 1, Oriental Institute
Link: <click here>


Tuesday 7 June (7th Week), 2.30pm
Émilie Pagé-Perron, University of Oxford
The pantheons of Adab: texts and contexts
Location: Lecture Room 1, Oriental Institute
Link: <click here>