Adrienn Almásy-Martin

dr adrienn almasy martin profile

Faculty / College:

Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies / University College

Research Interests:

My main areas of research are in Egyptian Demotic and Greek papyrology from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods with a special focus on bilingualism and onomastics. Within this, my most recent publications are on the study of the use of Demotic in the Graeco-Roman period, the interaction of Demotic and Greek, especially in onomastic material, and the study of Demotic and Greek literacy.

Current Projects:

  • Demotic graffiti and ostraca from Gebel el-Silsila (Lund University, Sweden).
  • Publication of the Demotic-Greek Mummy Labels in the Musée du Louvre.
  • Graeco-Roman onomastics.

Prior to working in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, I was a Research Associate at the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names Project in the Faculty of Classics (2019-2023), where I was responsible for compiling the Greek names, written in Greek and Demotic, in Egypt. The objectives of this project are to create an authoritative collection of Greek personal names from Egypt, unlocking the potential contained in such names for innovative research into every aspect of ancient life in Greco-Roman Egypt. This extensive study of Demotic and Greek onomastic material from Egypt resulted in a series of articles as well as an edited volume, which will be published next year: Greek Personal Names in Egypt (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents, Oxford University Press), Oxford (with Y. Broux).

Courses Taught:

I teach Egyptian history and civilisation to 1st year undergraduates and Coptic dialects to 3rd year undergraduates in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.

Recent Publications:

  • (2023) Greek Inscriptions on the East Bank, Vol. 1 (The Swedish Expedition to Gebel el-Silsila, Brill), Leiden (with M. Nilsson and J. Ward).
  • (2023) Demotic Ostraca from the Rob Demarée Collection’. In F. Hoogendijk and J. V. Stolk (eds), Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 40, Brill), Leiden, 31-59.
  • (2023) ‘Examination of Liturgists’. In F. Hoogendijk and J. V. Stolk (eds), Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 40, Brill), 160-162.
  • (2022) ‘Dogs on Labels: Anubis representations on Mummy Labels from the Louvre’. In A. Almásy-Martin – M. Chauveau – K. Donker van Heel – K. Ryholt (eds), Ripple in Still Water When There is No Pebble Tossed. Festschrift in Honour of Cary J. Martin. London, 2022: 43-54.
  • (2022) ‘Four Coptic Funerary Stelae in The British Museum’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 108: 269-277.
  • (2021) ‘Always Remember to Check the Back: A Closer Look at Some Published Ostraca in the British Museum and British Library’. In G. van Loon – J. Stolk (eds), Text Editions of (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Latin and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca. Some people love their friends even when they are far away: Festschrift in Honour of Francisca A. J. Hoogendijk (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 37), Leiden, 2021: 33-56 (with C. J. Martin).
  • (2020) ‘Demotic, Greek and Coptic Ostraca from Abydos in the British Museum’. In E. O’Connell, (ed.) Abydos in the First Millennium AD (BMPES 9), Leuven: 223-258.

Full list of publications:


  • Greek Inscriptions on the East Bank (The Swedish Expedition to Gebel el-Silsila, Brill, I), Leiden, 2023 (with M. Nilsson and J. Ward).

Edited volumes:

  • Ripple in Still Water When There is No Pebble Tossed. Festschrift in Honour of Cary J. Martin (GHP Egyptology 34), London, 2022 (with M. Chauveau – K. Donker van Heel – K. Ryholt).


  • ‘Demotisches Literaturübersicht’, Enchoria 37 (2020–2023), 157–199 (with F. Hoffmann and F. Naether).
  • ‘Demotic Ostraca from the Rob Demarée Collection’. In F. Hoogendijk and J. V. Stolk (eds), Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (PLBat. 40, Brill), Leiden, 31–59.
  • ‘Examination of Liturgists’. In F. Hoogendijk and J. V. Stolk (eds), Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (PLBat. 40, Brill), 160–162.
  • ‘Dogs on Labels: Anubis representations on Mummy Labels from the Louvre’. In A. Almásy-Martin – M. Chauveau – K. Donker van Heel – K. Ryholt (eds), Ripple in Still Water When There is No Pebble Tossed. Festschrift in Honour of Cary J. Martin. London, 2022: 43–54.
  • ‘Four Coptic Funerary Stelae in The British Museum’, JEA 108 (2022): 269–277.
  • ‘Always Remember to Check the Back: A Closer Look at Some Published Ostraca in the British Museum and British Library’. In G. van Loon – J. Stolk (eds), Text Editions of (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Latin and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca. Some people love their friends even when they are far away: Festschrift in Honour of Francisca A. J. Hoogendijk (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 37), Leiden, 2021: 33–56 (with C. J. Martin).
  • ‘Demotic, Greek and Coptic Ostraca from Abydos in the British Museum’. In E. O’Connell, (ed.) Abydos in the First Millennium AD (BMPES 9), Leuven, 2020: 223–258.
  • ‘Greek Tax Receipts from Abydos in the British Museum’, BASP 56 (2019): 79–93 (with R. Duttenhöfer).
  • ‘Some Remarks on Bilingual Mummy Labels in the Louvre’. In F. Naether (ed.), New Approaches in Demotic Studies. Acts of the 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies (ZÄS Suppl. 10), Berlin – Boston, 2019: 15–38.
  • ‘Quarrying for Augustus: Gebel el-Silsila as a Source for Early Roman Monuments at Dendera’, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 23 (2019): 1–77 (with M. Nilsson and J. Ward).
  • ‘Demotic Linen Strips from TT-400- in Context’. In K. Kóthay (ed.), Burial and Mortuary Practices in Late Period and Graeco-Roman Egypt: Proceedings of the International Conference held at Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 17–19 July 2014. Budapest, 2017: 283–289.
  • ‘La fonction et l’origine des catalogues de héros dans le récit démotique du Papyrus Krall’. In B. Németh, (ed.), Now Behold My Spacious Kingdom. Studies Presented to Zoltán Imre Fábián On the Occasion of His 63rd Birthday, Budapest, 2017: 247–261. 
  • ‘Vocabulaire de l’Égyptien Ancien (VÉgA): plateforme numérique de recherche lexicographique’. In G. Rosati and M. C. Guidotti (eds), Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence Egyptian Museum, Florence, 23–30 August 2015, Oxford, 2017: 709–710 (ith Ch. Cassier et al).
  • ‘Trois étiquettes de momie’. In L. Bazin Rizzo et al. (eds), A l’école des scribes. Les écritures de l’Egypte ancienne (CENIM 5). Montpellier, 2016: 145–147.
  • ‘Quarrying for Claudius, Protected by Min. Reflections on a Small Quarry in Gebel el Silsila East’. BMSAES 22 (2015): 87–110 ( (with M. Nilsson).
  • Gebel el Silsila: Field Report from the Main Quarry’. Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology, 2 (2015): 1–45 (with M. Nilsson).
  • ‘Ptolemaic and Roman Burials from Theban Tomb-400-’. MDAIK 69 (2013), published in 2015: 187–227 (with G. Schreiber and Zs. Vasáros).
  • ‘The Greek Subliterary Texts and the Demotic Literature’. In E. Bechtold et al. (eds), From Illahun to Jeme. Studies Presented in Honour of Ulrich Luft. London, 2011: 1–7.
  • ‘Catalogue of the Inscriptions; Greek Dockets; Corpus of Tribal Marks’. In U. Luft (ed.), Bi’r Minayh: Report on the Survey 1998-2004 (Studia Aegyptiaca Serie Major III), 2010: 173–193, 194–196, 297–301.
  • ‘A Greek Amazon in an Egyptian Story: The Character of Queen Serpot in the Cycle of Petubastis’. In K. Endreffy and A. Gulyás, A. (eds), Proceedings of the Fourth Central European Conference of Young Egyptologists, 31 August-2 September 2006 (Studia Aegyptiaca 18), Budapest, 2007: 31–37.
  • ‘Preliminary Report on the Fieldwork at Bir Minih, Arabian Desert’. MDAIK 58 (2002): 373–390 (with U. Luft, et al).

In press:

  • ‘Demotic Rendering of Greek Names: A Study Based on LGPN Data from Lower Egypt and the Fayum’. In A. Almásy-Martin and Y. Broux (eds), Greek Personal Names in Egypt (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents, Oxford University Press), Oxford.
  • ‘People of Panopolis: Onomastic Data from the Bilingual Greek / Demotic Mummy Labels in the Louvre’. In Ch. Leitz (ed.) Athribis (Atripe) im Kontext (Studien zur spätägyptischen Religion), Wiesbaden.
  • ‘Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN): The Demotic Material’, Enchoria 38.
  • ‘From Oxyrhyncha to El-Hibeh: Two Demotic Double Documents in the British Museum’. In Forthcoming Mélanges (with C. J. Martin).
  • ‘Demotic Texts from Theban Tomb -400-’. In Vasáros, Zs. (ed.), Memorial Volume Dedicated to Dr. Gábor Schreiber, Budapest.


  • ‘M.-P Chaufray – I. Guermeur – S. Lippert – V. Rondot (eds), Le Fayoum : Archéologie – Histoire – Religion, Actes du sixième colloque international, Montpellier, 26–28 octobre 2016’. Enchoria 37 (2020–23), 117–124.
  • ‘C. Arlt, Deine Seele möge leben für immer und ewig: die demotischen Mumienschilder im British Museum’. Bibliotheca Orientalis 74/5–6 (2017), 559–565.


  • ‘What’s in a Name? Onomastic Research on Graeco-Roman Egypt’, Linacre News 57 (2022).
  • ‘Labelling the Dead. The Mummy Labels in the Louvre’, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. Newsletter 25 (2020).
  • ‘Rediscovery of a Group of ‘Abnormal Hieratic’ Papyri’. The British Museum, Egypt and Sudan, Newsletter 6 (2019).
  • ‘Thomas Phillipps’ Coptic Papyri in the British Museum’. The British Museum, Egypt and Sudan, Newsletter 5 (2018).