Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Faculty Address:
Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, 27 Winchester Rd, Oxford OX2 6NA
Research Interests:
- History of China-Japan-Western exchange
- Translation of Western terms and names in China and Japan
- Russo-Japanese language contact
- Historical Sociolinguistics, Sociolinguistics of writing
- Theory of writing
- Japanese Language Corpora
Research and Current Projects:
- Translation and transliteration of foreign place and people names: Sociolinguistics of language contact and orthographical choice in Early Modern and Modern Japan.
- The Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese project (directed by Bjarke Frellesvig)
- 日本語の表記体系における文字の機能 ―通時、共時の両面からの分析― (Functions of written characters in the Japanese writing system) (funded by JSPS)
Recent Publications and Presentations:
- “Japanese language corpora and place name annotation: challenges and possible solutions” in panel Japanese language corpora: challenges, new developments, and applications, EAJS International Conference, 2023.
- 「現代日本語における外国国名の漢字表記の使用実態」『Cooperation, Competition and Integration in Asia Pacific』Pekin University-Waseda University Joint Research Initiative, 早稲田大学出版部, 2023. (The use of kanji transliterations for foreign country names in contemporary Japan. In Japanese.)
- Award of Excellence for the contribution to Chinese characters research (漢検漢字文化研究奨励賞).
Paper title「言語学・日本語学における文字論 -漢字の位置づけ・分析の問題-」2022.
- 「日本における「ウラジオストク」の漢字表記」『論究日本近代語研究 1』勉誠出版, 2020.3. (“On the kanji representation of Vladivostok in Japan”. Investigation into Modern Japanese. Bensei Publishing., 2020.3. In Japanese)
- 「日露戦争期に発祥した語彙・表記をめぐって ―「露助」と「征露丸」を中心に―」『ソシオサイエンス』第24号, 2018.3. (“Vocabulary inherited from the Russo-Japanese war. On the examples of “Roske” and “Seirogan””, Waseda review of socio-science, Vol. 24, 2018.3. In Japanese)
- 「ロシアの呼称・表記変遷史に見る日露関係(第0章 呼称考 )」中村喜和, 長縄光男, 沢田和彦, ポダルコ・ピョートル編 『異郷に生きるVI:来日ロシア人の足跡』成文社, 2016.9. (“Russo-Japanese Relations through the History of the Toponym “Russia” in Japan” (The Naming of Russia), Ikyo: ni ikiru VI, Seibunsha, 2016.9. In Japanese)
- 「音訳地名の表記における漢字の表意性 -ロシアの国名漢字表記を例として―」『早稲田日本語研究』第25号, 2016.3. (“The role of meaning in the choice of characters for transliterated geographical”, Waseda Nihongo Kenkyu, Vol. 25, 2016. In Japanese)
- ”Ligature as a Common Pattern of Written Character Creation in Japan and Europe”, The Journal of Chinese Characters, Vol. 11, pp. 151-166, 2014.
Other Positions:
Assistant Librarian, Bodleian Japanese Library