Full Name:
Hindy Najman
Oriel and Laing Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford
Additional Faculty affiliation:
Theology and Religion
Member of the Sub-faculty Classics
Faculty / College Address:
Oriel College
Research Interests:
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
Early Biblical Interpretation
Dead Sea Scrolls
Hellenistic Jewish Literature
Composition and Author Function
Construction and Imitation of Biblical Figures
Practices of Pseudepigraphy and Pseudonymous Attribution
Revelation, Divine Encounter and Prophecy;
Wisdom Literature
Idealized Sage and Perfectionism
Philology and Philological Practices;
Allegorical Interpretation and Midrash
Collection and Canon
Scholarly Practices of Reading
Current Projects:
- Reading Practices and the Vitality of Scripture (under contract with Oxford University Press. Anticipated completion, 2021).
ARTICLES (forthcoming 2021)
- “Conceptualizing Wilderness: Poetic Processes and Reading Practices in the Hodayot and the Apostrophe to Zion.” Forthcoming: 16th Orion Symposium.
- “Imitatio Dei and the Formation of the Subject in Ancient Judaism.”
- “Biblical Interpretation in the Second Temple Period.” In the Oxford Bible Commentary. Edited by Katharine Dell, David Lincicum and Alison Salverson. Oxford University Press 2020.
- “Philology as Hermeneutics: Poetic Processes, Composition, and Collection in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond.” preparation for VTSS for IOSOT Proceedings, 2020.
- Co-authored with Geoffrey Khan and Ishay Rosen-Zvi “Ancient Hebrew as a Dynamic Language: Continuity and Discontinuity”
- Co-authored with Konrad Schmid, Reading the Blood Plague: An Interpretive Approach at the Micro and Macro Levels
- Co-authored with Eibert Tigchelaar, “Interpreting Collection in the Dead Sea Scrolls”
Courses Taught:
Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew Bible, Hellenistic Jewish literature. Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Seminar, Early Biblical Interpretation, writers’ workshop for graduate students, wisdom