Jacob Fisher


Wadham College


DPhil Candidate in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Indo-Tibetan) 

Thesis Title:

“Nectar, Water, or Blood? Buddhist Perspectives on Perception Across Realms, and Conventional and Ultimate Epistemic Instruments” 


Educational background: 

2020-2021 MSt in Oriental Studies (Tibetan) at the University of Oxford. 

Thesis title: “Luminosity as the basis, pramāṇa as the path, and infinite potential as the result: rGyal tshab and Mi pham on Dharmakīrti’s thought.” 

2015-2020 Philosophy Tutor for the Masters Programme in Buddhist Studies of Sutra and Tantra (a full-time traditionally orientated study programme based on the Tibetan Geshe degree) Nalanda Monastery, France 

2008-2014 Masters Programme in Buddhist Studies of Sutra and Tantra, Instituto Lama Tsongkhapa Italy.

Research interests:

Perceptual relativism. The relationship between Buddhist meditative theory and philosophy. Indian and Tibetan Buddhist history. Tibetan systems of epistemology. Digital Humanities. 



Forthcoming. “Different moon same finger? Tsong-kha-pa and Mi-pham’s application of Dharmakīrti’s pramāṇa theory for meditating on emptiness.”