Kamila Akhmedjanova


St Antony’s College


Thesis Title:

‘A study of Ahmad Donish’s legacy within the context of late 19th-century Persian-speaking intellectual trends’.



Professor Edmund Herzig, Professor Dominic Parviz Brookshaw


Educational background:

DPhil in Oriental Studies, University of Oxford (currently)
MA, University of Oxford
MSt in Oriental Studies, University of Oxford 
MPhil in General Linguistics and Comparative Philology, University of Oxford 
BA in Modern Languages (Italian) and Linguistics, University of Oxford 



Before coming to the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, I completed my BA and MPhil degrees at the University of Oxford, having previously specialized in Italian literature and linguistics. I also hold an MSt in Oriental Studies from the University of Oxford.

I took part in various academic conferences, including, most recently, conferences of the Association for Iranian Studies (AIS), the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) and of the Italian Association for the Study of Central Asia and the Caucasus (ASIAC). I published several academic articles, covering topics related to the 19th-century Persian-speaking intellectual trends, as well as to the methodology of teaching Tajik Persian. My first article was dedicated to the study of double past participle forms in the Sicilian dialects, while my most recent one is dedicated to the study of how literature and politics played an important role in the works of Sadriddin Aini, one of the founding fathers of modern Tajik literature.

I have experience of teaching Tajik Persian language to undergraduate students, as well as of co-supervising undergraduate dissertations. I also taught classes dedicated to Ahmad Donish’s texts.


Research interests:

Intellectual history of the Persian-speaking world; Ahmad Donish’s intellectual and literary legacy; other 19th-century Persian-speaking intellectuals, including Mirza Fatali Akhundzade, Mahmud Tarzi and Jamal al-Din al-Afghani; history of Iran and Central Asia in the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries; intellectual and literary links within the broader Persian-speaking world.


Recent publications:

Akhmedjanova, Kamila. 2024. ‘Literature and Politics in Early Soviet Central Asia: Case Study of Sadriddin Aini’s Odina and Margi sudkhūr’. The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, published online (ahead of print) 4 December 2024, DOI: 10.30965/18763324-bja10112.

Akhmedjanova, Kamila. 2024. ‘Trends in Intellectual Life in Central Asia in the 19th Century (Based on the Works of Nadira, Dilshod Barno and Ahmad Donish)’. Vostok (Oriens), 1, pp. 210-221. 

Akhmedjanova, Kamila. 2023. ‘Reanalysis of the Role that Western Ideas Played in the Development of the Ideology of Progressive Persian-speaking Philosophers of the 19th Century’. History of Oriental Studies: Traditions and Modernity, 2, pp. 60-69.

Akhmedjanova, Kamila. 2021. ‘Teaching Tajiki language to Undergraduate Students with a Prior Knowledge of Farsi’. The Magic of Innovation: Language and Language Teaching in a Changing Environment, pp. 271-276. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo ‘MGIMO-Universitet’.

Akhmedjanova, Kamila. 2020. ‘Double Past Participle Forms in the Sicilian Dialects’. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters, 3.1, pp. 11-33.


Translations and projects

Arnaldi, Marta. 2024. ‘Новый переводческий подход к нарративной медицине: исследование книги Маргериты Гвидаччи Neurosuite’ [‘The Translational Turn in Narrative Medicine: A Study of Margherita Guidacci’s Neurosuite’]. Translated by Kamila Akhmedjanova. Encounters in Translation, 2, DOI: 10.35562/encounters-in-translation.609.

Akhmedjanova, Kamila. 2022. ‘Translation of Duchêne (Tajikistan)’. Soviet Central Asia in 100 Objects, https://www.cabinet.ox.ac.uk/translation-duch-ne-tajikistan-0.




