Linda Hulin


Research Assistant to the Director, Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology 

Faculty / College Address:

School of Archaeology / Wolfson College


Research Interests:

My research interests centre upon the materiality of social relations across the eastern Mediterranean, specifically the Levant, Egypt, Libya and Cyprus. Past and current projects include:

  • Cypriot fine wares in Egypt and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age as a measure of different social practices in a colonial situation
  • The social impact of the ruled upon the rulers: a comparison of the Egyptian Empire of the New Kingdom and the British Raj
  • Aesthetic interaction and material culture
  • Relations between settled and nomadic communities in Eastern Libya (Neolithic-Byzantine period)
  • Libyans and Egyptians in the Western Desert of Egypt

Current Projects:

I am director of the Western Marmarica Coastal Survey, which works in the region of Marsa Lukk, some 35 km east of Tobruk. This is a reflexive underwater and land survey, aimed at (i) recovering a narrative of human activity from the Middle Stone Age to the 13th century AD (ii) connectivity across land, sea and desert in a semi-arid zone bounded by complex imperial economies

Courses Taught:

  • FHS option paper: From Hunting and Gathering to States and Empires in South-west Asia (with Amy Bogaard), I teach the Levant from the Chalcolithic-the Late Bronze Age, and associated museum-based tutorials
  • Contributions to core papers: Introduction to World Archaeology, The Nature of Archaeological Enquiry, Urbanism and Change in Complex Society and tutorials in same
  • Co-organiser of the graduate Materiality Discussion Group, with Zena Khamash

Recent Publications:

In Preparation:

  • Monograph: Being imperial: empire, society and culture in New Kingdom Egypt.
  • Monograph: The materiality of the mundane. Innovation and social form in Imperial Egypt and the Levant
  • “Aesthetics and the socialisation of the senses: revisiting identity and style in the eastern Mediterranean”, in T. Clack (ed.), Archaeology, Syncretism, Creolisation. Oxford University Press
  • “Landscape learning and social interaction in a semi arid environment”, in T. Sternberg and L. Mol (eds), Changing Deserts. Whitehorse Press

In Press:

  • 2011“Pragmatic Technology: Issues on the Interpretation of Libyan Material Culture” Proceedings of the Conference”, Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean (OLA 202). Peeters
  • 2010 “Conversations between objects: the Egyptian ceramic world at Beth Shan”, in B. Bader and M. Ownby (eds), proceedings of the conference Functional aspects of Egyptian Ceramics in their Archaeological Context. Peeters


  • 2010 ‘Western Marmarica Coastal Survey 2010: preliminary report’, by L. Hulin, J. Timby, A.M. Muftah and G. Mutri, Libyan Studies 41: 155-162
  • 2009 “Western Marmarica Coastal Survey 2009: preliminary report”, Libyan Studies 40: 95-103
  • 2009 “Pragmatic technology and the Libyan Bronze Age”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections: 18-21
  • 2009 “Consumption, status and Late Cypriot pottery in Egypt”, in R.S. Merrillees, D. Michaelides and M. Iacovou (eds), Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity: 40-47Oxbow Books
  • 2008 “Eastern Cyrenacia Coastal Survey 2008: a preliminary report”, Libyan Studies 39: 299-314
  • 2005 “Maritime commerce and geographies of mobility in the Late Bronze Age of the eastern Mediterranean”, S.W. Manning and L. Hulin, in A.B. Knapp and E. Blake (eds) The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory: 270-302. Oxford: Blackwells
  • 2002 “Bronze Age Plain Pottery: Egyptian, Canaanite, and Cypriot”, in D. White et al., Marsa Matruh II. The Objects. The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology’s Excavations on Bates’s Island, Marsa Matruh, Egypt 1985-1989. (Prehistory Monographs 2): 47-72, plus Appendix II. Philadelphia: INSTAP
  • 2002 “A Final Summary of the Evidence”, D. White and L. Hulin, in D. White et al., Marsa Matruh II. The Objects. The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology’s Excavations on Bates’s Island, Marsa Matruh, Egypt 1985-1989. (Prehistory Monographs 2): 169-186. Philadelphia: INSTAP

Further Info:

  • An editor (Cyprus and Libya) for the on-line Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
  • Part-time tutor, Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford

Recent Conferences Organised:

  • 2010: Constellations of objects: interactive material worlds, Pitt Rivers Museum, with Alice Stevenson
  • 2008: Ambience and material culture: the creation of moods through objects, Pitt Rivers Museum, with Zena Khamash

Photograph of Linda Hulin