Stephen Wright Horn


Associate Faculty Member

Correspondence Address:

243 Shimoyoko-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu, 602-8373 JAPAN


Research Interests:

Japanese historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, general linguistics and language pedagogy

Current Projects:

Developing the Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese, conducting basic research on Japanese language

Courses Taught:

History of the Japanese language and the Japanese writing system, Japanese contrastive linguistics and socio-linguistics, Old, Classical, and Contemporary Japanese language, Japanese grammar, General linguistics

Recent Publications:

Horn, Stephen Wright (trans.), KINDAICHI Haruhiko (2021). “A classification of Japanese verbs.” Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. pp. 1-30. (Translation of 金田一春彦. (1950). 「国語動詞の一分類」、日本言語学会『言語研究』15, pp.48-63.)

Full Publications:

1. Horn, Stephen Wright. (1995). 岐阜県大野郡清見村「パスカル清見」視察調査報 (“A Participant’s report on an observation Tour of Gifu-ken Ono-gun Kiyomi-mura’s Pascal Kiyomi Project’”). 論集「地域経済」15(特集:東海圏における岐阜の地域づくり)(Regional Economic Review of Gifu Keizai University, No. 15, Special Issue: Gifu’s regional development in the Tōkai sector). May 1995. (Japanese).

2. Horn, Stephen Wright. (1998). “How the Japanese of the Edo Perceived the Ogasawara Islands.” Nihon Kenkyū Sentaa Hōkoku, Vol. 6. Ōsaka: Shōin Women's University. (Translation and annotation of: 田中弘之, 「江戸時代に於ける日本人の無人島(小笠原島)に対する認識」. 海事史研究 50, 6月1993, 日本海事史学会, 東京.)

3. Frellesvig, Bjarke; Horn, Stephen W.; Russell,Kerri L.; Sells, Peter. (2010). “Verb Semantics and Argument Realization in Pre-Modern Japanese: A Preliminary Study of Compound Verbs in Old Japanese.” Gengo Kenkyū, 138, 25-65.

4. Horn, Stephen Wright. (2012). “日本語のいわゆる「主語から目的語への繰り上げ構文」(The so-called subject-raising-to-object construction in Japanese),” Chapter in Kageyama, Taro (ed.) 『属性叙述の世界』 (The world of property predication). Tokyo: Kurosio Syuppan, 221-243.

5. Russell, Kerri L.; Horn, Stephen Wright. (2012). “Verb semantics and argument realization in pre-modern Japanese: A corpus based study.” Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, 25, 129-148, 2012.

6. Horn, Stephen Wright; Russell, Kerri L. (2012). “Null Arguments in Selected Clauses in Old Japanese.” Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 44.2.

7. Horn, Stephen W. “On Accusative Case Marking in Old Japanese,” (2012).  NINJAL「通時コーパス」プロジェクト・Oxford VSARPJ プロジェクト合同シンポジウム通時コーパスと日本語史研究予稿集 (Corpus-Based Studies of Japanese Language History: Abstracts), 大学共同利用機関法人, 人間文化研究機構, 国立国語研究所, 23-26.

8. Frellesvig, Bjarke; Horn, Stephen W.; Russell, Kerri L.; Sells, Peter. (2013). “Provisional and Conditional clauses in Old Japanese.” In Ozge, Umut, ed. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 67, 65-78, 2013.

9. Horn, Stephen Wright. “Projections of subordinate clauses in Old Japanese: Corpus-based groundwork on inflectional types.” (2014). 国立国語研究所論集 (NINJAL Research Papers) 7: 73-91.

10. Frellesvig, Bjarke; Horn, Stephen Wright; Yanagida, Yuko. (2015). “Differential Object Marking in Old Japanese: A corpus based study.” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2013, University of Oslo. Walter Benjamins. 195-211. [Refereed]

11. Frellesvig, Bjarke; Horn, Stephen Wright; Russell,Kerri L.; Sells, Peter. The Oxford Corpus of Old Japanese. September, 2011-2016.

12. Horn, Stephen Wright; Russell, Kerri L. (2015). “The Oxford Corpus of Old Japanese.” In Yasuhiro Kondo, Makiro Tanaka & Toshinobu Ogiso (eds.) 『コーパスと日本語史研究』(Text Corpora and Japanese Historical Linguistics). ひつじ書房. 177-195.

13. Maruyama, Takehiko; Horn, Stephen Wright; Russell, Kerri L.; Frellesvig, Bjarke. (2017). “Multiple clause linkage structure in Japanese.” Kobe Journal of Japanese Studies, No.1. Universit Ca' Foscari Venezia. pp. 119-142.

14. Horn, Stephen Wright; Butler, Alastair; Yoshimoto, Kei. (2017). “Keyaki Treebank segmentation and part-of-speech labelling.” Preceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing (言語処理学会第23回年次大会予稿集) 414-417.

15. Horn, Stephen Wright; Butler, Alastair. (2016-present). The Manyoshu 97 Parsed Corpus (M97PC). 2017-present.

16. Butler, Alastair, Horn, Stephen Wright. (2017). “Annotating syntax and lexical semantics with(out) indexing.” Preceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 14.

17. Horn, Stephen Wright. (2017). “アノテーション方式とインタフェース” (Annotation methods and interface). 日本語文法学会第18大会発表予稿集, 122-131.

18. Frellesvig, Bjarke; Horn, Stephen Wright; Yanagida, Yuko. (2018). “A Diachronic Perspective on Differential Object Marking in Pre-modern Japanese: Old Japanese and Early Middle Japanese.” In Seržant, Ilja A; Witzlach-Makarevich, Alena (eds.) Diachrony of Differential Argument Marking. (Series: Studies in Diversity Linguistics) Language Science Press.

19. Butler, Alastair; Yoshimoto, Kei; Horn, Stephen Wright; Kubota, Ai; Nagasaki, Iku; (Project Leader: Prashant Pardeshi). (2016-2022). NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese.

20. Butler, Alastair; Horn, Stephen Wright, Yoshimoto, Kei; Nagasaki, Iku; Kubota, Ai. (2018). The Keyaki Treebank Manual. (English)

21. Butler, Alastair; Horn, Stephen Wright, Yoshimoto, Kei; Nagasaki, Iku; Kubota, Ai. (2018). The Keyaki Treebank Manual. (Japanese)

22. Butler, Alastair; Frellesvig, Bjarke; Horn, Stephen Wright, Ogiso, Toshinobu; Sells, Peter. (2018-present). Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese.

23. Butler, Alastair, Horn, Stephen Wright. (2018) “Annotating syntax and lexical semantics with(out) indexing.” New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2018. Springer. 299-313.

24. Horn, Stephen Wright; Butler Alastair, Nagasaki, Iku; Yoshimoto, Kei. (2018). “Derived mappings for FrameNet construction from a parsed corpus of Japanese.” LREC 2018 Proceedings, International FrameNet Workshop, 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 7-12 May, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. 28-32.

25. 長崎郁; アラステア・バトラー; スティーブン・ホーン; プラシャント・パルデシ; 吉本啓. (2018).「統語解析情報付きコーパス検索インタフェースの開発」 (Development of a search interface for corpus with syntactic annotation). Preceedings of the 24th Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing (言語処理学会第24回年次大会予稿集). 1123-1126.

26. Horn, Stephen Wright; Butler, Alastair. (2018). “English/Japanese contrastive study based on normalisation, a step in the semantic processing.” Preceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Conference of the English Linguistics Society of Japan, November 24-25, Yokohama National University. 260-265.

27. Butler, Alastair; Horn, Stephen Wright. (2018). “Parsed annotation with semantic calculation.” Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory, University of Oslo, Norway.

28. Horn, Stephen Wright (trans.), ISHIGAKI Kenji. (2019). “The principle of repulsion between active inflecting words” Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. pp. 1-40. (Translation of 石垣謙二. (1955).「作用性用言反発の法則」, 『助詞の歴史的研究』(Historical research on particles). 岩波書店).

29. Horn, Stephen Wright (trans.), KAGEYAMA, Taro. (2021) “Structural constraints and predication functions in language.” Presidents' Inaugural Lectures Gengo Kenkyū, Supplement Vol. 1. pp. 69-115. (Translation of 影山太郎. (2009). 「言語の構造制約と叙述機能」. 『言語研究』136, pp.1-34).

30. Horn, Stephen Wright (trans.), KINDAICHI Haruhiko (2021). “A classification of Japanese verbs.” Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. pp. 1-30. (Translation of 金田一春彦. (1950). 「国語動詞の一分類」、日本言語学会『言語研究』15, pp.48-63.)

31. Horn, Stephen Wright (trans.), KOIZUMI Tamotsu. (in production). “Deictic Systems of Space and Time” Presidents' Inaugural Lectures, Gengo Kenkyū Supplement, Vol. 2. (Translation of 小泉保 (1988).「空間と時間における直示の体系」. 『言語研究』94. 1-24.)

32. Horn, Stephen Wright (trans.), SAKAKURA Atsuyoshi. (in production). “Historical change in conditional expressions.” Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. (Translation of 阪倉篤義 (1975). 「条件表現の変遷」『文章と表現』(Text and expression), 4章、第3節. 255-273. 角川書店.)