Loli Kim


Postdoctoral Researcher

Faculty / college address:

Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


Research interests:

My interests lie in Asian multimodal communication, with a large portion of my work focusing on Korea. My primary interest is in cross-cultural untranslatability – be it linguistic, gestural, semiotic, or intertextual – and in shedding light on culturally contextualised meaning in texts, either in analysis or the development of methodologies for doing so. I have worked on several projects and publications that do so, from semantic, pragmatic, and semiotic perspectives, and also translanguaging.

Current projects:

I currently hold the position of post-doc on the Sea, Song and Survival: The Language and Folklore of the Haenyeo Women project at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, where I am primarily responsible for the transcription and analysis of the Haenyeo’s multimodal communication.

I am also working on a number of research projects independently and collaboratively with my colleagues too:

  • Currently I am working with my colleagues to bring a fresh perspective to research and engagement with Asian food that is relevant to the current multimodal and multidimensional climate of media and product consumption we’re now living in. We will be exploring the multidimensionality multimodality of food environments, breaking down the multilayered discourses that form these scapes, beyond recipes and ingredients to intricate relationships between food, communication, culture, history, and spirituality.
  • The communication of Korean traditional hats
  • Filling in the gap between semiotic theory and design practice in Korean graphic design.
  • A theory of intertextuality as translanguage
  • Asian intertextuality (with the focus of my research being on Korea)
  • Asian multimodal communication. I have a number of works currently underway on different modes of communication, including one on Asian gesture that I’m working on with Professor Jieun Kiaer (forthcoming 2023).
  • I am interested in developing automatic translators and translation services that contextualise texts within their own cultures, with a focus on Korea and other regions of East Asia.

Earlier projects:

    • Survey of narratives of 3,460 South Korean (Korean) feature films 1960-2018, using synopses, in order to identify narrative and production conventions.
    • Analysis of changing representation of womanhood in Korean films, including analysis of 3,460 films synopses 1960-2018.
    • Multimodal film discourse analysis pilot study (large 160 shot analysis) The Crow (1994) testing SFDRS method.
    • Multimodal film discourse analysis pilot study (Korean film) Hanyeo (The Housemaid) (1960).
    • Semantic analysis of villainy pilot study (Korean film) The Housemaid (1960) Pilot study to test whether SFDRS method could be used to find conventions in Korean films.
    • Multimodal film discourse analysis pilot study (Korean film) Old Boy (2003), Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005), and The Man from Nowhere (2010).
    • Multimodal film discourse analysis pilot study (Korean film) Old Boy (2003), Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005), The Man from Nowhere (2010), and Bedevilled (2010).
    • Multimodal film discourse analysis pilot study Kill Bill (2003) and The Crow (1994).

Recent Publications:


  • Kim, L. (under review 2024). Interpreting Korean Film Discourse: Towards a new paradigm for Korean-English cross-cultural multimodal analysis. Routledge.
  • Kim, L., Kiaer, J. (2023 forthcoming). East Asian Voices in English Children's Picture Books. Cambridge University Press.
  • Kiaer, J., Kim, L., & Calway, N. (2023 forthcoming.). Tasty Films: Language and Food in East Asia. London: Routledge.
  • Kiaer, J. & Kim, L. (2023 forthcoming) Embodied Words: A Guide to Asian Non-Verbal Gestures Through the Lens of Film. London: Routledge.
  • Kiaer, J., Lord, E. & Kim, L. (2022 forthcoming) Understanding the Korean Wave on Screen. London: Routledge.
  • Kiaer, J. & Kim, L. (2021) Understanding Korean Film: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. London: Routledge.

Chapters and papers

  • Kiaer, J., Kim, L., & Lo, W.T A. (2022 forthcoming). “Koreans Are Always Nodding or Bowing”: K-Wave Fandom’s Perception and Learning of Non-Verbal Politeness. In Kim, m. (ed) Korean (Im)politeness from Multidisciplinary and Multimodal Perspectives - Diverse Interactional Contexts and Communication Platforms. Springer.
  • Kiaer, J.,Kim, L., Zhu, H. & Li W. (2022) ‘Tomorrow? Jayaji! (자야지) Translation as Translanguaging in Interviews with the Director of Parasite’. Translanguaging and Translation in Multilingual Contexts journal.
  • Kim, L. & Kiaer, J. (2022 forthcoming). Intercultural Encounters: Understanding Intercultural Multilingualism and Translingualism in Éric Lartigau’s #JeSuisLa.
  • Kiaer, J. & Kim, L. (2021) One-Inch-Tall Barrier of Subtitles: Translating Invisibility in Parasite. In Y. Kim (Ed.), Soft Power of the Korean Wave: Parasite, BTS and Drama. London: Routledge.
  • Kim, L. & Kiaer, J. (2021) “Conventions in how Korean films mean: A pilot testing ‘Segmented Film Discourse Representation Structures”, in J. Pflaeging, C. Ng, J. Wildfeuer, J. Bateman (eds) Empirical Multimodality Research: Methods, Evaluations, Implications. De Gruyter.


  • Kim, Loli. 2022. “A Theory of Multimodal Translation for Cross-Cultural Viewers of South Korean Film.” University of Oxford.
loli kim